The goals and objectives of Henzo are to reduce cancer mortality and morbidity rate in Kenya, especially Leukemia & GIST, through its main objectives: –
Henzo Kenya seeks to create awareness about cancer, especially the rare cancers CML and GIST. This will help to highlight the plight of the hundreds of people currently on treatment for these conditions. It will also help create a reliable information hub for use by clinicians, and the public. Information sharing is key to ensuring correct diagnosis and early detection and treatment. It also helps in de-stigmatizing cancer, which is a major concern that may affect therapy outcomes. Encouraging investments into research will help in finding solutions to the various issues relating to cancer care.
To establish support systems such as counselling and support groups for cancer patients, survivors and their families. Henzo Kenya organizes education-day events, where we invite doctors from various specialties and nutritionists to speak to patients and caregivers and respond to questions about their health concerns. Henzo Kenya also helps patients raise funds to meet the costs of travel to the treatment center and also laboratory costs of monitoring tests.
To establish a coalition to mobilize resources for cancer care and advocating for health concerns to be mainstreamed in relevant government and non-governmental agencies. Henzo Kenya actively engages various governmental and non-governmental departments to ensure consideration of cancer patients and their communities during resources planning. Strategic liaisons with similar organizations help to produce synergy in achieving these objectives. As such, Henzo Kenya works together with other similar organizations under the umbrella of Kenya Network of Cancer Organizations (KENCO)
- Nairobi Hospital Cancer center
+254 722 242766
+254 720 722293 -